
How Process Mining contributes to a robust supply chain

How Process Mining contributes to a robust supply chain

Process mining for a robust supply chain – better overview, better insights and information for better internal and external collaboration.
Axisto - Electronics company halves its Innovation Time-To-Market

High-growth electronics company halves its Innovation time-to-market

High-growth electronics company halves its Innovation time-to-market by improved business alignment and disciplined project management.
Axisto - Cycle Time Reduction in New Product Development and New Product Introduction

Chemicals firm cuts time from product concept to market introduction by half

How to increase the success rate of innovation projects and to cut the time from product concept to market introduction by half?
Axisto - Supply Chain

Supply Chain

World-class supply chain management and collaboration means managing supply chains and partnerships for flexibility and resilience.
More container terminal efficiency by better planning

More processing capacity for a container terminal by better efficiency

Better terminal efficiency for faster truck and ship turnaround by better planning with the Axisto Planning Platform.
Axisto - Inventory reduction

More Cash – Lower Inventory – Better Service

Disciplined working capital management drives good operational and financial performance. Inventory optimisation poses the biggest challenge.
How process mining creates value in the supply chain

How process mining creates value in the supply chain

Process mining creates transparency and visibility across the supply chain and enables fact-based decisions real-time optimisation of flows.

How to create value in Industrials?

This paper will give you an insight into how you can create value in Industrials. Margin improvement is key.

Reducing the production cycle time

A production company got stuck in further reducing the production cycle time. With process mining they got it done.

Faster new product introductions

Een bedrijf zag zijn groei vertragen doordat nieuwe producten te langzaam in de markt kwamen. Process mining wist de problemen op te lossen.

Improved supply chain design

The development of a better design for a global supply chain, using a mathematical model and based on scenarios.

Design For Six Sigma training

A producer of consumer electronics and advanced products wanted to make its production process more robust through better design.

Lean Six Sigma Green and Black Belt training

A producer of consumer electronics and advanced products wanted to take its workforce to the next level with Lean Six Sigma.

Breakthrough in quality and costs

A second-tier automotive supplier experienced strong price pressure. Improving product quality and reducing costs helped.